WORLDSCAPE COLLECTIVE is solely created and designed by Newcastle artist Edward Clarkson!
Each work has been created with precision and skill developed over thousands of hours.
The product range has been developing since January 2021, growing to over 180 individual designs available on prints, mugs, t-shirts, and much more.
The works themselves are snippets of cities around the world. Each design contains icons, symbols, and features that represent the architecture, peoples, cultures, and history of each location. 
It should come as no surprise to say I have a great love of cities and cultures, with many of my works inspired by this love I have for the differences we as humans share, molded by thousands of years of growth, war, cultures, empires, and religions.


The question I get asked the most about my works is: "How are they made? Are they photographs? Are they created using AI?" 
WORLDSCAPES begin as hand drawings, which are then drawn digitally. Each design can take weeks to create, not including edits, print tests, user testing, and production.
- Each design starts with the initial research into the location, gathering photographs, and investigation into the city's history and culture.
- Initial pencil drawings are used to create the perfect layout and scale of the work and which landmarks are to be included. 
- The design is then drawn digitally bit by bit, building by building in my personal style.

Watch a Worldscape being made!